What is this map?
The Parkdale People’s Map is a community resource, story map, and organizing tool, created by the Parkdale Neighborhood Land Trust.
The Parkdale People’s Map was designed by Artists in Trust. Project Coordination: Joshua Barndt. Graphic Design: JP King. Web Programing: Chris Altorf. Platform Consulting: Eric Bresfield. Videographers: Jessica Hayes, Chris Altorf, Ibrahim Khider, Joshua Barndt and more.
Development made possible by grants from the Ontario Arts Council & City of Toronto Strong Neighbourhood Strategy.
The Parkdale People’s map is a story-bank. Embedded throughout the map, are valuable video stories focused on how PEOPLE experience this changing neighbourhood. Stories of tenants, small business owners, youth and newcomers.

This is where the text for your Feature Box should go. It's best to keep it short and sweet.

Local Business
This is where the text for your Feature Box should go. It's best to keep it short and sweet.

Urban Agriculture
This is where the text for your Feature Box should go. It's best to keep it short and sweet.

This is where the text for your Feature Box should go. It's best to keep it short and sweet.